Fine & Performing Arts

Integration & Innovation

Here at MAS, art is more than a fun expression. We believe that art education allows students to discover cultural identity, grow their knowledge, and learn in a meaningful way. As MAS students encounter culture and art, they learn how to communicate purposefully, advocate passionately, and think creatively.

Some of the art specific classes we offer include; Art, Studio Ceramics, Graphic Arts, Drama, Theatre Production, and Music Theory.











Social Studies


Physical Ed.



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Diverse Learning

Digital Media

The Future is Here

Digital Media is the use of art transformed in a way in which everyone can access it. With our world transforming with technology, the arts has become more demanding in ways we never imagined.

At MAS, we offer classes catered to help students not just navigate digital media, and consume it, but be creators themselves. Students interested in exploring more can continue their education or pursue a career immediately after school.

Fine and Performing Arts

At MAS, you can express your creativity and meet other people who share those same interests through meeting outside of school or by joining one of many extracurriculars like choir, band, or art club. There is no limit to what you can do in this program because it is all about YOU.

Allied Health

If you're looking for a career that will allow you to make a difference, the Allied Health Program may be right for you. Our program is designed to help students acquire the employable skills of healthcare workers and explore different careers in the field. 

Diverse Learners

At MAS, we provide special services for our students with IEPs and 504s, also known as “Diverse Learners.” Click the button below to learn more about all of the support services and opportunities available to our diverse learning students.