Unsure 0f Your Future?

No worries. We help our students obtain options.

At MAS, we’re not a one-track-minded school. We get you are looking to be purposeful but you don’t have everything figured out. Don’t worry because you’re not supposed to. Most adults race through life not being purposeful. But already know, that’s not going to be you.

With access to the creative arts, both traditional and non-traditional, you’ll be able to express yourself and find skills and talents you never realized you had. With these new skills, you’ll be able to pursue your associate’s, bachelors or master’s degree, or work if you so choose. With the range of skills and experiences we provide you here at MAS, that decision is ultimately in your hands.

Not the Typical Student?

MAS Students have a creative mindset and excel in ways other students would not.

Our students are easy-going, easy to talk to, and they’re not easily frustrated. They are always willing to learn, help, and see things from different perspectives.

At MAS, we help students who are creatively inclined and are looking for creative outlets. We provide the opportunity for students to explore non-traditional pathways that is built on a strong academic core curriculum. It’s all with the end goal of helping them find their passion for their future.

Are You Done With the Status Quo?

MAS students are relational, passionate, driven, and will engage with a sense of purpose.

MAS is not for the academic who sees life in black and white. It’s for individuals who lives and breathe in color. It’s for those who live life with passion, with purpose, and poise. Our students are amazing. We help each student at MAS discover their individual talent. Students at MAS are easy-going, easy to talk to, and they’re not easily frustrated.

“Whether it be volunteering at PAWS Chicago, helping out with their 5K, making sandwiches, giving up their evening and doing things with Night Ministry, learning how to crochet with Ms. Mendez and making scarves and hats, they give a lot of themselves. They’re willing to give up their Saturday, even in the freezing cold for Special Olympics, staying the entire day just keeping tally of all the scores. This genuine goodness is something that has kept me at MAS throughout and motivates me to give up my weekends as well.”

-Ed Cisneros

Find Your Place at MAS

Embrace the difference. It’s time for you to do more and be more of who you are.

It’s clear, individuals who are more creative think and process information differently than those students who are solely academic. They think on opposite sides of the brain. One is not more. One is not less. Just clearly different.

Because of this, at MAS we have created tons of artistic opportunities that are only available at here on the West Side. Students are met with staff that is ready to help them grow as we embrace their difference in learning.

At MAS we value individuals who are looking for something more than just academics. We value individuals who are looking to make an impact in the lives of those around them. They’re always thinking about how to serve and help others in their actions and what they do.

Andrew Nelson
“Every year, we always have a number of transfer students, who for whatever reason were not successful in their previous schools. And almost without fail, they find a home at our school, which I think speaks to our students as much as our staff and faculty. Students don’t necessarily bounce out of our school, they bounce in. All of our teachers provide tons of support to our students.”

-Andrew Nelson

A School Thriving With Arts

Creative expression is the foundation for human communication, not just a form of art. 

We believe that arts education allows for the development of student’s abilities through a rigorous curriculum that is differentiated, affirms cultural identity, interconnects knowledge, and makes learning meaningful. We are committed to providing authentic opportunities for students to learn life skills, achieve high academic standards, and demonstrate cultural proficiency that prepares all students for college and post-secondary success. It is the combined responsibility of administration, teachers, parents, students, and community members to create a safe and innovative environment.

Access to a NEW Digital Media Studio

Teaching students how to create content and be productive in a digital world.

Digital Media is the use of art transformed in a way in which everyone can access it. With our world transforming with technology, the arts has become more demanding in ways we never imagined.

At MAS, we offer classes catered to help students not just navigate digital media, and consume it, but be creators themselves. Students interested in exploring more can continue their education or pursue a career immediately after school.

Offering Traditional Art, Theater, Music, and Digital Art Classes


Arts I


Shakespearian Studies


General Cereamics


Intro to Theater History (AP Course)


Graphic Arts


AP Ceramics (AP Course)




General Music


Theater Production


Digital Music

A Community Built on Strong Relationships

When families experience MAS, they stay with MAS.

Connecting with our students isn’t just a cultural thing. We are relatable to our students on multiple levels whether it be personal interests, the values we have, or the experiences we’ve had. The advantage of being small gives us the opportunity to get to know each and every one of our students and provide them with resources and connections with our staff and faculty. The relationships we are able to establish with our students goes beyond the 4 years at MAS.

Head shot of Lissette Chavez
“The teachers at MAS are so genuine and that is so important for students in High School, for them to have an adult in front of them who can be open and honest and able to be vulnerable with them, which allows them to feel safe. Having those role models on staff is what has built our student body at MAS.”
- Lissette Chavez

We’re always here, especially when you’re going through difficult times.

Ready to Do More?